Last week we introduced our podcast produced with fellow veterinary technician Emily, and fellow professional dog trainer, Maggie. The podcast, called Your Dog's Best Life (yes, we stole my business tagline) is designed to be a bridge between the amazing but sometimes more advanced and geeky podcasts that I listen to (Drinking From the Toilet, Canine Paradigm, and Animal Training Academy) and real pet dog owners looking for a bit of information, and a casual conversation about dogs with real-world actionable tips and tricks that they can put into action today.
I'm thinking of our podcast as the gateway drug to deeper geekery found elsewhere, though, to be honest, it may dip into geekery in its own right from time to time, because that it who I am. But, I'll try my best to stay out of rabbit holes as much as possible!
As all things technical go, it was a struggle (our IT people are us and in all three cases I can say that our IT skills are no threat to even a halfway decent tween). We're hoping to get better at fixing some of the audio issues as we move along, so if you tried our podcast but struggled with the sound, please stick around, we are working hard to improve quality.
Sometimes we may touch on subjects that I wish to take a deeper dive into than is possible in our podcast formula. That information will spill over here and onto my new subscription site (found here).
We are actively looking for great speakers for our podcast, so stay tuned.
Our goal, as always, is to provide, you our pet parents with relevant, topical, easily accessed information that you can use to improve the life of your dog. We have worked to ensure that we have as many venues to access this information as possible, so that we can communicate with you the way that you prefer to learn. In a world that is both larger and somehow more constrained than in the past, online must be part of that equation.
In dog training, as in much else in the world, knowledge is power, and unlike this blog, our podcast reaches out to fellow dog trainers and professionals with whom I will not always see eye to eye, giving you guys a chance to realize that the different perspectives in dog training can be powerful and interesting.
We are on a wonderful journey, and we thank you for riding along with us.
The podcast can be accessed through major podcast outlets (if your podcast platform doesn't have it, please tell me and I'll try to figure out how to add it) as well as here on the website.