Well, this isn't how we expected 2020 to go!
Talk about a whirlwind few months! It feels like the last three weeks have been three months. The International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC) Conference that I was set to attend in Boston was cancelled, but they made lemonade out of lemons and now their conference will be online and 1/10th the cost. And after reading everything that follows, keep this in mind.
This was the year that The Dog Spot would start paying for itself. Nope.
This was to be the second full year of my business: a year of growth and exploration, taking on new and challenging cases, meeting fantastic new dog friends, introducing great new classes.
Instead we have COVID-19 and the end of the world as we know it, so...
We leap online with both feet - Hell, we borrow other people's feet and jump in with them too! We put up two classes back to back, post on Facebook, get our first online clients and they give us great feedback on what is obviously a steep learning curve.
This was the year that this website was finally going to be seen by people typing in Tucson Dog Training, instead of searching for it by name.
This was going to be the year that I really got the dogs up and trialling in herding. Tagg's debut in rally obedience and in herding. Ruby was going to maybe see a disc field for something other than Toss and Fetch. Cody and Dice were heading to Open in USBCHA herding.
This was and still will be the year that we launch our podcast, and in spite of recording out of two locations, we aim to have it up and running, maybe a month later than initially planned, but still, we are moving forward.
It was going to be a big year.
Every year is going to be a big year.
This one got derailed, and we have no idea still where the train hurtling trackless into the world will land, what wreckage it will leave in its wake, what destruction will be wrought, and what can never be rebuilt.
What we have now is time. Time at home. Time to build something I had never planned to build. Time to embrace change whether I wish to or not. Time to wait for the fallout, and the end, whatever that looks like, and tomorrow, and going back to 'normal'.
Where this is going, no one knows. What I do know is that we will be here. We will remain available for our clients both current and future, and now, both here in Tucson, and all over the English-speaking world.
There will be bumps, mistakes, massive failures, and hopefully massive successes. Who knows? This is a time of huge uncertainty for everyone.
This is rambling and messy, and just like the world right now not really sensible or going anywhere in particular. I wish everyone safety and health, and I cannot wait to see everyone and their dogs again soon.
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