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Border Collie Born 6/11/24


Spark lives up to her name! She is bold as brass and her future is as big as she can make it. Spark comes from nice sheep and cattle lines, and we're hoping for a great future in stock work. Beyond that, we'll see what she enjoys. She is a pistol and we're loving every second of her puppyhood!


Australian Shepherd Born 3/22

Superfly's Brisco County Jr, NTD, BH, HTDI, HRDI

Brisco is maturing into an incredible pup! He loves stock work, and wants to work for me in obedience or whatever I throw at him. He trialled way above his age at the Aussie Futurity in Frost TX at just two, and blew me away with his poise. He earned third place against much more mature dogs, and excellent handlers. He is a dog to be reckoned with when he enters the ring. He's a happy, silly boy to live with, and is up for any adventure.

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Border Collie Born 8/20

Empire's Bouncing Matilda, MD, CGC

Matilda is the busiest dog I've ever had! I got her at about 8 months of age when her owner faced a medical situation and was unable to continue to deal with this busy little beast. Matilda, in spite of early promise, cannot herd sheep (she's a velociraptor!). Casting about for a job for this little monster, we have begun training her in IGP, Tracking, Disc Dog, and Dock Diving.


Border Collie Born 5/18

Tagg Monkey, HXs, MD, STDs, OFDs, RN, HTDII

Tagg is a monster of awesomeness! She is an absolute, bratty, dream! She is a star on sheep, joyful to live with, and a lovely traveling partner. This dog has stolen my heart entirely and I cannot even begin to express the joy this little monster brings to me every time she enters a room. She is still young, and already I see a wonderful herding future for her.


Border Collie Born 5/14

Empire's Cody Noodle, HXs,STDd,OFDsd,TKN

Cody came to the ranch at a year old after having a pretty tough puppyhood. She had severe anxiety and OCD behaviors. She is a rockstar at herding and at her first trial earned a first and a fourth. She has a Novice Trick title, and does canine Parkour on the side, she also has a leg in Rally Obedience. Training her is pure golden joy!


Border Collie Born 5/13

Twisted Dice, HTADI, CGC, TKN

Dice came from a local breeder at the age of two when he proved incompatible with another household dog. Training Dice has been an eye-opening adventure! He never ceases to amaze, snatching two legs at his first herding trial. Dice was been my demo dog from 2015 to 2018. He has a Canine Good Citizen title, as well as a Novice Trick Title. He keeps everyone in line at the ranch!


Australian Shepherd Born 11/17

Ruby, ND

Ruby came to us when her primary caretaker passed away suddenly. Ruby has a few internal demons that make her distrustful of strangers, and quick to respond to perceived threats. She is endlessly enthusiastic, and up for any adventure at any time. She lives to play ball, disc, tug, you name it. She does Toss and Fetch with me, and we may even put together a freestyle disc routine... someday.


Border Collie  7/08-12/22

Blackjack Ketchum

Ketchum was my first 'real' border collie and I got her at 12 weeks from a woman who had not anticipated the requirements of the breed. She washed out of herding early, and I never got around to training her. She loves Parkour, and would really like a chance to have a go at the sheep. She is wonderful with the chickens and other poultry. She is a great hiking and backpacking partner and the voice of reason on the ranch.


Mix  2003-2018

Big-Nose Kate

Kate and her brother were dumped on my road as pups. Kate introduced me to herding in 2005. She was an enthusiastic, if not particularly gifted, harasser of sheep. She spent hours in the car on the road to various herding trainers here in Tucson, and up in Florence, AZ. She taught me more than I ever taught her! She became the matriarch of the mountain, and was a kind and gentle dog. 


Maremma Sheepdog  3/17- 6/24

Billy the Kid

Billy is a giant fluffy goof of infinite joy and silliness. There is no sign that she will ever grow up! She disdains the seriousness of the border collies, and plays endlessly with Tagg.  She wants to create her own agility sport called Farm Dog Agility, we're working hard to see that come to fruition. In the meantime, her job is to protect her property and sheep from monsters!

Osteosarcoma - gone too soon


German Shepherd 2002-2017


Cass came to the mountain at 10 after a decade of neglect. She lived all of her previous life in a small California backyard, and did not know her name. Watching her come out of her shell as she navigated the tough desert terrain up here taught me how sterile and stifling her previous life had been, and how integral to life movement and problem solving is to a dog.  She got to spend the last years of her life playing and romping all over the mountain with the other dogs. She had a wonderful and infectious joy. 


Australian Shepherd 2003-2013

Miss Kitty

There has never been a happier dog than Kitty! She found joy in everything she did! She was a puppy when she was found dumped in the desert at a year, and she was a puppy when she died far too early at 10. What a wonderful, wonderful dog!!

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German Shepherd 1995-2010


Dax was an amazing dog! He came to us at 7 years with a boatload of training. He spoke German! He was a lovely and kind hearted dog who owned his world and the ranch with an unsurpassed dignity. I do not know how I could find another dog with Dax's combination of sincerity and goofiness!!

Dog Achievements:

Dice, 2014 (Twisted Dice, ABCA and AKC): Canine Good Citizen (2016), Novice Tricks Title (2017), (AHBA) Ranch Dog I Title (2018), AKC First and Second place Herding (2019), AKC Rally Novice First place (2019), 2021 - Retired due to injury.

Cody 2015 (Cody Noodle, AKC) Novice Trick Title (2017), Rally Second place (Cyanosports) (2017), AKC Herding second and third place (2019), New Mexico Arena Trial, High in Trial (USBHA) (2019), Level 1 Herding Title Geese and Sheep titles (IHDA)(2020), AKC Started and Intermediate Sheep Dog Titles (2021) AKC Reserve High In Trial Started Farm Dog (2021) AKC Started Farm Dog Title (2021), ASCA Started Herding Title Sheep and Ducks (2022); ASCA Open Farm Dog Title (2022), ASCA High in Trial Other Breed Open Sheep Farm Dog (2022)

Tagg 2018 (Tagg Monkey, ABCA, AKC), Level 1 Herding Title Sheep (IHDA) (2020), AKC Farm Dog Trial 4th place (2021), Toss and Fetch (2020, 2021, 2022), Toss and Fetch Regional Championships (2021), AKC Reserve High in Trial Started Farm Dog (2021) National Association of Dock Diving (NADD), Junior Title (2021) NADD Master Title (2022), AKC Intermediate Sheep Dog Title (2021), Two First Place placings in Rally Obedience Novice (2021), ASCA Started Herding Dog Title Sheep (2022), ASCA Open Farm Dog Title (2022)

Ruby 2017  Toss and Fetch Disc (2019, 2020, 2021,2022), NADD Novice Title (2021)

Matilda 2020 (Empire's Bouncing Matilda, AKC) Toss and Fetch Disc (2021, 2022), NADD Junior Title (2021), NADD Master Title (2022) CGC (2023)

Brisco 2022 (Superfly's Brisco County Jr, ASCA, AKC) TrickNovice (Do More With Your Dog (DMWYD) (2022), BH (IGP/ Schutzhund temperament test) (2024); Third overall Australian Shepherd Futurity Stock Dogs Trial (cattle, goats, and sheep) Frost, TX (2024)

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